KPOP dance cover

Dance cover of NCTU Make A Wish (Birthday Song) by Indian AjeetKumar

Dance cover of NCTU Make A Wish (Birthday Song) by Indian AjeetKumar

A dance cover of NCTU Make A Wish (Birthday Song) by AjeetKumar, a resident of Varanasi, uttarpradesh, India.
Varanasi is a city famous for bathing in the Ganges River. If you’ve been to a yoga school in India, you’ve probably visited the city at least once.
He danced all the way to the end of the song without paying attention to the people behind him who were looking at him with keen eyes.

Ganges River
Ganges River

(K-pop in public)NCTU엔시티유 ‘Make A Wish(Birthday Song)’DANCECOVERININDIA


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